So right now I am sitting in the San Antonio airport on my way back to Boston. I spent the last 2 weeks all over. Started in Montana (home). Then went out to LA to surprise one of my best friends for her 21st birthday. TOTAL SUCCESS she started crying when she saw me, we got her good! Then I was off to Las Vegas. I spent 4 days there....lost a little money but thats ok never have been old enough to gamble so I figured I should do a little, Plus my dad was wanting me to learn how to play roulette...haha. From here we planned the rest of the trip spontaneously. Didn't really have a set destination turns out we liked TEXAS alot. Our next stop was Austin, TX I wanted to go here from our stop this summer on Warped tour. I really liked it then so we decided it should be the next stop we spent 4 days there....had some AMAZING BBQ....love that town!. We had been doing so much flying we decided to drive the next leg of our trip so we drove down to Corpus Christi and went on a Destroyer ship! wooooooo! actually I think it was a aircraft carrier. Still awesome! Totally Rufus (hah that was for all you never been kissed fans...watched that last night). You know Selena was from Corpus Christi, and they have a museum in her honor. From there we drove to San Antonio this is where I have spent the last 2 days. I was kind of doubtful of the city because I only knew what I had seen on warped. Turns out it is AMAZING! We went on a little gondola boat ride saw the sites. Had the best Mexican Food i have had in a Loooong time. And that brings us to the present, as i am still sitting in the San antonio airport. :)
mmmmk well on my last note ....my new years resolution it to make sure my friend emily sticks to her new years resolution about learning to like tomatoes :)
Down and out!