Yesterday was a crazy day for the Bank crew. We ended up being several hours late to the venue, so we decided not to sell and instead enjoy the show like everyone else. It's a long story, but we were late for two reasons, both problems with our trailer. The night of the drive up to San Francisco the bus ran over what we think was a bass guitar and both of the left side tires went completely flat. That delayed us about an hour, and it was smooth sailing after that....until around 5.30am when we started hitting bumps in the road. One bad bump and our trailer literally FLEW OFF THE BACK OF THE BUS. It drove itself nearly half a mile down the road until it veered off into a ditch. After a towtruck hauled the trailer out of the ditch, we were on our way and only three hours late.

Today was much better to say the least. We partnered up with Alesana and got spots right next to each other. It's nice to know the people next to you, that way you have someone to complain about the heat to! Haha, not that we would ever do that...
Tomorrow is our first off-day on the tour, and we're heading to Vegas! Tonight is also the first party of the tour, so it should make for an interesting evening...
xoxo BANK!
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