So, remember how I said our day in Kansas City was going normally? Well, it was until Warped Tour fell into the path of a TORNADO. We didn't suffer any physical damage, but it rained harder than I've ever experienced and the wind was insane. Right before it started, we began to pack up our tent because we could see crazy clouds and wanted to get loaded in before the earth melted down...only we didn't get done fast enough!
As soon as we collapsed the tent and eliminated our only shelter, thunder struck and I am not exaggerating when I say that we were soaked completely through instantly. In about five minutes, Warped Tour turned from a functioning festival into a parking lot of chaos. Tents and gear were being blown away, kids were freaking out, running around screaming and the 150 or so vendors stripped everything down to nothing. We all loaded out as fast as our handtrucks would roll and once everyone's merchandise was put away safely, the fun commenced. People were dancing in the rain, showering, and having a great time.

After Kansas City, we hit up Dallas for a sick ampitheater date and then had July 4 off in Austin, TX. A bunch of buses from the tour were in town so we got to see our friends in The Higher play at a cool indoor/outdoor venue called Emo's downtown.Our next day of tour was in San Antonio. Alaska, Nate and the other guys from Tonight Is Glory came to see us and they helped us out yet again behind the booth
After a rain scare, we decided to pack up early and relax for the night. Adam, the stage left guitarist for Alesana entered the Sumo Saturday contest(a weekly sumo tournament with prizes like getting an extra case of water every day for a week or getting to pick your own set time for a week, etc) so we watched him crush in the first round and get cheated out of a round two victory.
We managed to recover and make our way to Houston and after two days off in Memphis, TN, we rejoined the tour of the Atlanta, GA show. We'd never been to Georgia before so it was definitely a cool experience to meet people from a completely new part of the country.
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