Monday, December 29, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
who wants to dance like this....with us? or with me?
just saying. happy almost christmas eve and almost fourth day of hannukah!
Friday, December 19, 2008
So I'm very excited to announce that we are now working with Hot Topic, so that means some of our stuff will be in their stores. In a few days we will be letting you know the specific stores that will have our stuff. We would love it if you went out to your local Hot Topic to buy one of our shirts. We want to show them that there is a big BANK! following out there! That way more and more Bank Shirts will be available to buy at Hot Topic in person!
On another note I'm back in Montana for the Holidays, Sophia is Working on some fresh new designs as i speak so were VERY EXCITED....and as you can guess were gearing up for a big spring!
Happy Holidays!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
the yes dance. a necessity
We hope your enjoying the holiday season and preparing yourself for some rest and relaxation with friends and family! My one and only final is at 8am on Friday, yes the last day of finals. Then Saturday its back to Long Island but before I go and while Nani is heading back to Montana and Sophia is chillin' in New Jersey for the holiday season, the following video needed to be posted. It was a must when it came to sharing incredibly talented videos to all of those who like to read our daily findings ;)
Caitlyn + BANK!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Call On Me?
So over here at Northeastern Nani and I are the concerts chairs for a group on campus called the Council for University Programs also known as CUP. Well this year there was a dance competition held on campus and all proceeds went to charity. So CUP formed a dance team. Of course this dance team was comprised of only the kids who think dancing in front of a school community to the dance/techno jam "Call On Me" as a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Needless to say they came up with some bangin' dance moves and the video you are about to enjoy is the end result. Hahahahahaha ENJOY!
Caitlyn + BANK!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
just a reminder that our holiday sale ends TODAY. so make sure to check out the online store over at www.bankclothingonline.com and entire the code "vampireholiday" as the discount code to receive 20% off your entire purchase.
Caitlyn + BANK!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Seasons Greetings
Since it is the giving season BANK! Clothing is having a sale! Take 20% off your entire order at www.bankclothingonline.com when you enter the discount code "vampireholiday" at checkout. Sale starts TODAY December 4th and ends this Sunday December 7th!
Caitlyn + BANK!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Vampires in Fashion
We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! Hopefully you all had time to spend with friends and family. Now that we're back to the tasks of jobs and school it has come to my attention that the BANK! family has fallen into the Twilight "TRAP" as I would like to refer to it. Tis true that we are now followers of the book AND the movie. Yes, we know that its something that almost everyone has read/seen but we can't help but tell you to go see the movie and read the book as well! Never know you may just see a Twilight inspired item comming out soon. So better keep your eyes peeled!
So if your wanting a taste of the vampire inspired merch go check out the new shirts and hoodies we have at the online store. Make sure to visit www.bankclothingonline.com and order what you like! We want to make sure you guys have your beloved shirts and hoodies for the holiday season! Better Hurry because some of the sizes for a few of the shirts are sold out already and won't be printed again in time for Christmakwanzahanukah.
Aaaand to top it all of ......Because we love you all so much .......we are having a sale this weekend ONLY! Due to our recent fixation of Twlight and because it is the giving season enter the code "vampireholiday" at checkout on the online store to receive a 20% discount on your entire order starting TOMORROW! Make sure to check it out because the sale ENDS Sunday December 7th!
One final thought for today: Who saw the Britney documentary!? Who loved it!?
Caitlyn + BANK!
Monday, November 24, 2008
peanut butter
If you havent seen it yet make sure to stop by our myspace at www.myspace.com/bankclothing and check out the new pictures featured in the BANK! Sightings album! Also if you have any pictures of our friends wearing BANK! be sure to send them out way as well as if you want to be on our mailing list!
Also remember that we have a great street team! Be a part of it by visiting:
I'm heading home tomorrow for the holiday so everybody enjoy your time with friends and family!
Caitlyn + BANK!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
What What!?
Also, make sure you check us out on facebook and myspace! Follow the links below to become a fan of BANK! Clothing on facebook or to become friends with us on myspace!
One final thing, if your not on our mailing list and want to be make sure you email your email address and name to caitlyn.makes.BANK@gmail.com. Being on the email list enables us to keep you in the loop with specials and exciting news from BANK! Clothing!
More updates soon!
Caitlyn + BANK!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Get ready for it, tomorrow we will be giving a sneak peak of the new BANK! Clothing line! Make sure you visit www.bankclothingonline.com to score the new line in a few days! Keep checking back here daily for more awesome updates!
Caitlyn + BANK!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
NEXT STEP meet the JT in person ;)
BTW go listen to : TI and Justin (yes i think were on a first name basis now...haha) its called "Dead and Gone".....it will blow ur mind!
I promise we're not obsessed...haha
down and out
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
So as you know there is another thing out there besides Myspace... A little thing by the name of Facebook. We have a page there and you should ad us as a friend. Why is that? you ask yourself. Well i have a little insider info that members of our group or page receive exclusive discounts that isn't extended to all of our Friends on myspace. Just a little thought to ponder.
Hope y'all are having a sick night!
Link to our Facebook
You Better Be Voting!
So as you all know, or you better know, today is November 4th 2008! We can't stress enough the importance of voting today. Its your future and no matter who your vote is for its your opinion and it should be heard! So get out there and VOTE! Also we know that you are all highly anticipating the new BANK! clothing that was suppose to be released today. Due to unforseen circumstances the release of the new line is going to be postponed for a few short days! Hang in there and bare with us! Make sure to check back here later this week for more updates!
Caitlyn + BANK!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Pure Genius
I hope all of you enjoyed that little video from Nani and are super excited that you finally got to meet Sophia! As mentioned, our friends in 3OH!3 just released a video for their single "Dont Trust Me". For your viewing pleasure, check it out:
Also remember that November 4th is right around the corner and you all should know what that means! Thats right, BANK! is Awesome Day! Not only is it going to be election day, new BANK! Clothing is being released as well. So go vote but also remember to check back here for updates as well as our website www.bankclothingonline.com for the new stuff!
Caitlyn + BANK!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
So here at BANK! Clothing we love music. A lot. And because of that we love sharing music that we love with all of you. You guys should check out is this band called Passion Pit. Their from Cambridge, MA, considered a local band in Boston metro area and they are AMAZING. Wanna dance? Check them out. They just released their EP and a video for their single Sleepyhead which is pretty SWEET!
Speaking of music you should all be listening to, you should also check out our friends in the band Teeter! Those boys are pretty talented and their EP drops tomorrow October 21st so make sure to pick up a copy of that!
Other suggestions include Human by The Killers and Dropped by Phantom Planet. In addition to what we here have been listening to lately, what have you guys been hearing!? Tell us, we want to know!
Caitlyn + BANK!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
New Things!
So now that you know a little bit about me, I've recently been added to the BANK! Team and I am in charge of updating this snazzy blog that you see before you. I'm going to be updating this journal with some cool widgets, awesome videos and random stuff that you all will highly enjoy! Check back often because this thing is going to be chock full of fun stuff to entertain you during the day, if your at your job or in class, this journal is totally going to make your day. Seriously.
Whose been to the new BANK! Clothing website!? I have! Its awesome!
So if you havent checked it out yet be sure to hop on over there at: www.bankclothingonline.com
More new and exciting things are coming your way thanks to BANK! Clothing, some stuff that will blow your mind!
Thats it for now, but be sure to bookmark this bad boy and get back here more often!
questions.comments. suggestions. caitlyn.makes.BANK@gmail.com
Caitlyn + BANK!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
So I recently saw Girltalk, but more like I recently danced my ass off to Girltalk. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. An amazing time, incredible, unreal, awesome. Can you tell how much fun I had? The capacity for the show was really small so it was intimate. Thats probably the reason why the stage broke, o yea he made us dance that hard. That man is a genius. Seriously, I dont think I could stand in between 250+ sweaty people dancing all up in my grill and mix the music that he did. Think about that? Would you want to? Well maybe some of you would, if thats your thing, sweatpants, headband and mac book. Props to him for doing what he loves and making people happy. A great experience that I totally would do again, I suggest you all go to a Girltalk show sometime soon and if you cant get in FIND A WAY IN! So tell me, does Girltalk make you dance like no ones watching? If not who does!?
questions. comments. suggestions. caitlyn.makes.BANK@gmail.com
xoxo BANK!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
!!!!!Fall Update!!!!!
We hope you all had a great time this past summer and want to thank everyone who came out and visited us on warped tour! We had a blast and hope you did as well. Now that everyone is looking ahead to the winter you have a few updates. Make sure to check out the new BANK! Clothing website that will be up and running shortly. Also get ready for a new line of BANK! Clothing! New shirts and hoodies are well on their way so be sure to check back here or over at the BANK! website to stay up to date with all the latest news.
BANK! Clothing
Friday, July 25, 2008
Day 14 - 22 Orlando, FL - Detroit, MI
The next few days on the east coast were really fun for us because even though we aren't from that area of the country, it was a good feeling to be back east! We were the closest to home we'd ever been, and thats super comforting when you're gone so long! Alesana is based out of Raleigh, NC and Baltimore, MD so their families came out to visit. It's funny to see where these crazy guys came from...
Leaving the east coast, we headed to the midwest for shows in Ohio and Michigan. For the Cleveland date, our bus driver Jenevieve had some friends come over and set up shop. The bus became a mobile hair salon, tattoo and piercing parlor where the guys and gals from Addicted Body Arts of Parma Heights, OH did some amazing work. We spent the next day in Detroit at Comerica Park, home of the Detroit Lions. The stadium was amazing and we got to field-level when we went to take showers inside the underbelly of the stadium! As the first two Canada dates were directly after Detroit, we took a couple hours to pack and organize everything for the trip across the border. The day was really fun, but the best part was that Starbucks set up a tent in catering so we got free iced coffee ALL DAY. It was incredible...it's the little things that count, you know?
xoxo Bank!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Warped Tour. Day 10-13. Dallas, Texas - Atlanta, Georgia
So, remember how I said our day in Kansas City was going normally? Well, it was until Warped Tour fell into the path of a TORNADO. We didn't suffer any physical damage, but it rained harder than I've ever experienced and the wind was insane. Right before it started, we began to pack up our tent because we could see crazy clouds and wanted to get loaded in before the earth melted down...only we didn't get done fast enough!
As soon as we collapsed the tent and eliminated our only shelter, thunder struck and I am not exaggerating when I say that we were soaked completely through instantly. In about five minutes, Warped Tour turned from a functioning festival into a parking lot of chaos. Tents and gear were being blown away, kids were freaking out, running around screaming and the 150 or so vendors stripped everything down to nothing. We all loaded out as fast as our handtrucks would roll and once everyone's merchandise was put away safely, the fun commenced. People were dancing in the rain, showering, and having a great time.

After Kansas City, we hit up Dallas for a sick ampitheater date and then had July 4 off in Austin, TX. A bunch of buses from the tour were in town so we got to see our friends in The Higher play at a cool indoor/outdoor venue called Emo's downtown.Our next day of tour was in San Antonio. Alaska, Nate and the other guys from Tonight Is Glory came to see us and they helped us out yet again behind the booth
After a rain scare, we decided to pack up early and relax for the night. Adam, the stage left guitarist for Alesana entered the Sumo Saturday contest(a weekly sumo tournament with prizes like getting an extra case of water every day for a week or getting to pick your own set time for a week, etc) so we watched him crush in the first round and get cheated out of a round two victory.
We managed to recover and make our way to Houston and after two days off in Memphis, TN, we rejoined the tour of the Atlanta, GA show. We'd never been to Georgia before so it was definitely a cool experience to meet people from a completely new part of the country.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Warped Tour Day 8 & 9. Denver, CO - Bonner Springs, KS
Today, the Bank crew is in Kansas City, KS. It's another ampitheatershow which is good because it usually means real showers, betterlayouts and our guys in Alesana get to play inside the mainstage.Today is also the first day we've has to deal with real amounts of rain so it wil be interesting to see how that plays out...
Aside from the rain though, KC has been completely normal compared to the past couple of days we've had. To start, the drive to Salt Lake City from New Mexico was 16 hours long and we had to do it during the day. All 16 of us crowded into the front lounge and sat through Lethal Weapon 1, Just Friends, and Van Wilder...and after all that we still had three hours to go! By the time we arrived in the city we had time to hit up a Macaroni Grill (where the waitress got starstruck and messed up eveyone's orders) and head back to the bus for bed.
The SLC show went well, especially as the weather was much more agreeable in Utah than New Mexico. The coolest part about the venuewas that it was surrounded by gigantic snow-capped mountains. Eventhough we wre just in a parking lot, the view made us feel like wewere in some remote, majestic landscape.
From SLC we hit up Denver, CO for one of our fun shows to date. The venue was awesome! Everything was set up directly in front of Mile High Stadium! There was lots of grass, shade, and room to move around. A bunch of people had heard of us there, so it was nice to feel a bit of familiarity in a place we had never been before. We had the help of some friends we met on tour last week (Nathan and Alaska of the Texasband Tonight is Glory) and a street teamer named Jono. They passed outstickers, flirted shamelessly and were excellent salesmen. We hope to see them again on the tour!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Warped Tour Day 4. Phoenix, AZ 6/25/08
We have never been in this many places in such a short period of time! In just 5 days we've been to a new city everyday. We started in Pomona, CA, then headed up to San Fran, went back down to Ventura, hit up Vegas, Victorville, CA and today we made it to Phoenix. It's crazy going to sleep in one location and waking up in another state every day.
So today was by FAR the hottest day I've ever lived through. I thought Pomona was bad, but I really just had no concept of what bad really was. No joke, it was over 100 degrees out by 8am. Dinner was delicious, though.
xoxo BANK!
Warped Tour Day 3. Ventura CA 6/22/08

Yesterday was a crazy day for the Bank crew. We ended up being several hours late to the venue, so we decided not to sell and instead enjoy the show like everyone else. It's a long story, but we were late for two reasons, both problems with our trailer. The night of the drive up to San Francisco the bus ran over what we think was a bass guitar and both of the left side tires went completely flat. That delayed us about an hour, and it was smooth sailing after that....until around 5.30am when we started hitting bumps in the road. One bad bump and our trailer literally FLEW OFF THE BACK OF THE BUS. It drove itself nearly half a mile down the road until it veered off into a ditch. After a towtruck hauled the trailer out of the ditch, we were on our way and only three hours late.

Today was much better to say the least. We partnered up with Alesana and got spots right next to each other. It's nice to know the people next to you, that way you have someone to complain about the heat to! Haha, not that we would ever do that...
Tomorrow is our first off-day on the tour, and we're heading to Vegas! Tonight is also the first party of the tour, so it should make for an interesting evening...
xoxo BANK!
Warped Tour Day 1. Pomona, CA. 6/20/08
We arrived in Pomona at 7:35 last night, and after a quick mexican dinner we rolled up to the park and dropped off our gear. We met our buss-mates (sweet-core band Alesana, Fearless Records reps, and two girls from Demolisten) and headed to bed. At 7:30am we woke up and attempted to assemble (and mostly fail) our brand new handtruck, and after blowing out two tires without ever moving the thing we declared it a success and went on to pick a spot for our tent.
Note to self: 8:30 is apparently not early enough to get a good spot. By the time we got there most of the spots were already taken, so we settled down nearby the solar-powered "Kevin Says" stage. From there we sat out in the 100+ degree weather and got sunburns. We sold some shirts and met some cool kids for the street team, and overall had a long, but awesome day. So, we're stinky, dirty, hot and having an awesome time!
xoxo BANK!"